About Maahierah

Born in Cape Town but raised in Detroit, I spent the first couple years of my life visiting every single state that was accessible by car. My father’s never-ending spirit of adventure fueled our trips, and I can confidently say that his love for travel has passed down to me. 

After graduating with my Bachelors in Finance, I decided to pack up all my things and move back home to South Africa. I spent a couple months living there before I had to return to the States and finish my Master’s Degree. Although South Africa will forever have my heart, I am lucky enough to call two places home. 

While I enjoy traveling solo, I often like to drag my siblings with me. Most of my memories and crazy adventures are made that much better when I have them by my side. With two older brothers and one younger sister, I really never have time to be bored. We’re constantly learning new ways to make travel a little bit easier and avoid any unfortunate situations (like taking the wrong bus and ending up several hours away from your destination).

When I’m not traveling, I usually spend my days browsing the international section on Netflix or redecorating my room for the millionth time.  I love everything related to the beach (but sadly live nowhere near it), and you will most likely find me taking pictures of palm trees. 

I hope you’ll enjoy these stories and journey with me as I search for adventure, far and wide. 




To those who stay put, the world is but an imaginary place. But to the movers, the makers, and the shakers, the world is all around, an endless invitation. 




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